Thursday, December 20, 2007

Holy Smokes!....VIE CHAOTIQUE

I am SO not believing what an awesome night I've had. What turned out to be a day filled with sinus problems and a crick in the neck from sitting in my studio until 3 am last night......has quickly become a gem of days.....a total gem, worth more than diamonds.

A little backlog (if you will) - I consign with a local shop here but don't consider it "that big a deal" because, after all, the shop is owned by my aunt. Who knows if she really likes my stuff or if she just feels weighted down by that teensy nepotism thing, lol. Anyhoo......I have never been asked to consign for a shop, ever.


I belong to the forums at Victoria Bliss, a beautiful magazine which I just discovered and absolutely adore....and got to chatting with a woman on the boards. Well, she left me a private message and asked if I would consider consigning with her lovely shop, VIE CHAOTIQUE.

I visited and it is just gorgeous. I am so honored that she would actually want to carry my designs. And if I ever wanted to consign with a shop, it's never been this bad......I love the whole "feel" of it and their philospohy....."C'est la vie chaotique, From Chaos Comes Beauty"....that is SO perfect for me and I am keeping my fingers crossed for this new endeavor. Merry Christmas to me! ((((Hugging Santa tight)))))) My Guardian Angel must be working up quite a sweat, because I'm telling you, i feel like a dream I've had since I was a little girl is finally starting to come true!


Valerie Jones said...


Carolee said...

Hi Missy Sue ~ Love your work and your blog, and see some friends among your links! Just added you to mine, too. :)

(Yay for the Victoria forums!)

~ Carolee

Tangled Stitch said...

Congratulations Missy Sue. And I must tell you Victoria is an excellent magazine. I had a subscription first time around and was heartbroken when they stopped publishing for a while. But so happy to see that it is back again.

Merry Christmas. And congratulations again.